Children are our future
Educators and leaders in early years environments are dedicated and passionate but busy people who need support and resources to help them be the best for children and families.
Because curiosity shouldn't stop just because you're an adult!
We don’t mean to toot our horn (well… maybe just a tiny honk)
But we’re pretty damn good at consolidating everything you need to keep ahead of the game when it comes to your early childhood education knowledge and skills.
Want to know what makes us so great, find out how we got started, and see where we’re taking this amazing business?
Want to know what makes us so great, find out how we got started, and see where we’re taking this amazing business?
Well we're happy to share...
When you’re caught up in the day-to-day of teaching and caring for children, it can be tricky to find a spare minute to poke around the internet for resources and information to help build your knowledge base.
That’s the whole reason ECE Learning Unlimited
was founded in the first place.
Our Values
We are serious about our intentions but don’t take
ourselves too seriously.
ourselves too seriously.
Relationships and social responsibility are at
the heart of our work. It’s possible to make
money without harming anyone.
the heart of our work. It’s possible to make
money without harming anyone.
We are all learning all the time. Mistakes
are learning opportunities. Having high standards
matters. Being perfect does not.
are learning opportunities. Having high standards
matters. Being perfect does not.
This business is only as good as the people
who are part of it. We invite the right people
to join our mission who have the required skills
and qualities, but who also care deeply about
outcomes for children.
who are part of it. We invite the right people
to join our mission who have the required skills
and qualities, but who also care deeply about
outcomes for children.
We are always human in our approach - we act with
respect and humility and a healthy pinch of humour.
respect and humility and a healthy pinch of humour.
Honesty, bravery and integrity in our words and
actions always.
actions always.
We aim high. Children deserve nothing less than our best.
Everyone matters in our team.
We focus on our customer's experience and all else
will follow.
will follow.
Accessible, affordable, quality products and services.
Kia ora, G'day, Hello, Welcome!
Our Team
Angela Bush
Founder & CEO
Founder & CEO
Angela Foley BEM
Relationship Director
Relationship Director
Sara Soper
General Manager
General Manager
Bec Williams
Sales & Marketing Manager
Jennifer Biggs
Platform Manager
Platform Manager
Claudia Thompson
Marketing & Social Media
Marketing & Social Media
Sharon Bush
Your success is our success,
and we can't wait to walk alongside you in your learning journey.
and we can't wait to walk alongside you in your learning journey.
Write your awesome label here.
We know you’re busy doing the hands-on stuff, so we’re here to support you and share everything we know in easily-consumable bits.
We are also super on top of everything early childhood, researching best practices, building courses, and digging into groundbreaking data on the regular.