Are you a terrific toddler educator in need of some inspiration for managing your toddler room?
2-045 Course
Terrific Toddlers: Creating a positive and thriving toddler curriculum
learning time
This is a two-part course with two sessions approx 90 minutes each.
who is this for?
This course is for early years teachers with a passion for terrific toddlers.
skill level
Suitable for beginner to experienced ECE educators and leaders.
Duration: x2 Webinars. 90mins each session
So often toddlers get a bad rap.
Terrible two’s!
Toddlers don’t concentrate or stay involved in anything
Toddlers are impulsive and self-centred
Some of the most frequently asked questions we hear are; “How can I engage toddlers?” “How do I get toddlers to listen and follow instructions?”
"Terrific Toddlers: Creating a Positive and Thriving Toddler Curriculum" iconsists of two live sessions designed specifically for toddler educators who are seeking to enhance your understanding and approach to toddler education and to find more effective ways to manage your group of terrific toddlers.
Through two recorded sessions have delved into the crucial developmental stages of toddlers and you will learn practical strategies for designing and implementing an effective curriculum that fosters a positive and thriving learning environment - one where you are not constantly tearing your hair out!
Alex Weerhuizen has unpacked;
Common stereotypes of toddlers and how changing our lens can positively impact the children in our care.
Expectations vs realities of toddlers.
The positives and challenges about implementing quality teaching and learning in toddler learning environments.
Strategies for promoting quality teaching and learning experiences for toddlers.
The role of the educator in fostering a supportive learning environment.
How to engage toddlers in meaningful learning experiences.
Drawing upon research-based principles and real-world examples, this course will equip educators with the knowledge and tools to develop a curriculum that supports toddlers' holistic development. Whether you are a seasoned educator or a new teacher embarking on the journey of toddlerhood, "Terrific Toddlers" offers valuable insights and practical guidance for creating a positive and thriving learning experience for our wonderful, delightful toddlers.
This course was created by Alex Weehuizen
Early years and parenting mentor + educator
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About the Course Creator
Alex is an experienced ECE teacher with over two decades of experience working alongside families. After working as a nanny for 5 years, she completed a Bachelor of Education (ECE) in 2008 and began work as a ECE teacher. After discovering a strong passion for supporting parents on their parenting journey, in 2020 she started working as a Parenting Mentor.
Alex is a certified Postpartum Doula and is a registered Circle of Security Parenting and Classroom Approach facilitator. She recently became a certified Motherhood Studies Practitioner and is currently training as a Holistic Sleep Coach. In 2021, Alex started Precious Beginnings, a 10-week postpartum and parenting program, with over 200 parents completing the course.
Alex believes that nurturing tamariki in their early childhood experiences profoundly shapes the foundational aspects of their growth and development. Whether collaborating with kaiako or engaging with whānau, Alex highlights the significance of offering tamariki attuned, respectful, and responsive care.
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