6-022 Podcast

The Great Documentation debate

Are Learning Stories Past Their Prime?
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The Documentation Dilemma: Are Learning Stories Still Worth It?
In this episode, we’re diving headfirst into a topic that might ruffle a few feathers—documentation in early childhood education. Grab a coffee and brace yourself as we unpack the good, the bad, and the downright chaotic world of learning stories, portfolios, and documentation overload.

Once the gold standard, learning stories replaced dry, clinical records with meaningful narratives that celebrated the magic of children’s learning. But in 2024, are they still serving their purpose, or have they become a treadmill of deadlines, quotas, and copy-pasted outcomes? Join us as we question the status quo, share honest reflections, and explore what meaningful documentation really looks like today.
Presented by

Angela Bush

My work is all about design, coding, and education. For over 13 years I've been a professional designer. I created the YOUix website with video tutorials on code, design and more. I'm curious, passionate and I love sharing knowledge.

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