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1-092 Recorded Webinar 
Affirming neurodivergence in early childhood settings
Duration: Approx. 55 min
In this webinar, we have explored the concept of neurodivergence as an innate brain-centred diversity that presents in a variety of ways, and which children and families might bring with them as part of their participation and learning in early childhood communities.

 Early childhood teachers need to be able to view neurodivergent children and their families through a rights-focused lens that presumes competence and supports the enactment of inclusive curriculum with, and for, all children. 

With this in mind, we have dived into the ways in which early childhood teachers might adapt and transform their pedagogies and learning environments so that neurodivergent children and their families enjoy an equitable, inclusive early childhood education with a strong sense of safety and belonging at its core.
Presented by Dr Kate McAnelly 
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About the Webinar Presenter

Dr Kate McAnelly (PhD)

Dr Kate McAnelly is a kaiako me kairangahau kōhungahunga (early childhood teacher researcher) based in Ōtepoti Dunedin. She combines continuing to teach in early childhood alongside developing her own education consultancy, Tūranga mō ngā Mokopuna, which is focused on strengthening the inclusive practice of early childhood kaiako.

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